Feng Shui 2025
Year 2025 will be the year of Snake, Yin Wood Snake. Snake is the 6th animal sign of the 12 Chinese Animals zodiac. Snake is a symbol of mystery, wisdom, intuition, and transformation. People sees it as a symbol of intelligence and possesses of strategic thinking.
Feng Shui 2024
Year 2024 will be the year of Dragon, Yang Wood Dragon. Dragon is the 5th animal sign of the 12 Chinese Animals zodiac. Dragon is a symbol of royalty, majestic, powerful, strength and people take it as a symbol powerful mystical animal that only fit for a king.
Feng Shui 2023
Year 2023 will be the year of Rabbit, Yin Water Rabbit. Rabbit is the 4th animal sign of the 12 Chinese Animals zodiac. Rabbit is a symbol of gentle, playful, quick, smart to avoid danger and people take it as a symbol peaceful and friendly animal.
Feng Shui 2022
Year 2022 will be the year of Tiger, Yang Water Tiger. Tiger is the 3nd animal sign of the 12 Chinese Animals zodiac. Tiger is a symbol of brave, confident, leadership, taking challenges head on and people take it as a symbol of ready for a good fight.
Feng Shui 2021
Year 2021 will be the year of Ox, Yin Metal Ox. Ox is the 2nd animal sign of the 12 Chinese Animals zodiac. Ox is a symbol of hard working, reliable, responsible, nurturing and people said its a spirituality animal.
2020 So Far
Is this all what we going to see and face year 2020? What have we know about it so far, is this the year of change or is it a year that we can't wait to forget about it and write it off?
First Thing First
With all the chaos and uncertainties that we are having this year. We should all go back to the basic, get the fundamental issues sorted before handling the bigger problem. Where should we start from all this?